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AddOn Version 4.6.0 is available for download
The AddOn version 4.6.0 was released.
The following changes are included:
The update is automatically distributed via the client and can be downloaded manually via ESOUI:
The following changes are included:
- Added the Endless Archive export
- Export the Endless Archive runs of the game session with details
- Export the number of started Endless Archive runs
- Export the number of completed Endless Archive runs
- Export the number of completed Endless Archive stages
- Export the number of completed Endless Archive cycles
- Export the number of completed Endless Archive arcs
- Export the number of kills in the Endless Archive
- Export the number of wipes in the Endless Archive
- Export the number of looted Archive Fortunes
- Export the number of spent Archive Fortunes
- Added currency export for all available currencies, including account wide and bank currencies
- The export of new Battleground statistics has been added
- Export the number of joined battlegrounds
- Export the number of completed battlegrounds
- Export the number of kills in battlegrounds
- Export the number of kill assists in battlegrounds
- Export the number of kills by your team in battlegrounds
- Export the number of deaths in battlegrounds
- Export the number of battleground wins
- Export the number of battleground defeats
- Export the number of played as Fire Drakes
- Export the number of played as Pit Daemons
- Export the number of played as Storm Lords
- Export the number of played in game mode Capture the Relic
- Export the number of played in game mode Crazy King
- Export the number of played in game mode Deathmatch
- Export the number of played in game mode Domination
- Export the number of played in game mode Chaosball
- The export of new Housing statistics has been added
- Export the number of placed housing furniture
- Export the number of moved housing furniture
- Export the number of removed housing furniture
- Export the number of placed housing furniture per category
- Export the amount of falling damage received
- Export the number of looted Psijik Portals
- Export the number of looted Thieves Troves
The update is automatically distributed via the client and can be downloaded manually via ESOUI:
Geschrieben am 22.12.2023 - 15:51:29 Uhr von Keldor