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PfeilScreenshots der Community

PfeilAnti-Social Club


NA Megaserver Anti-Social Club

Gildenleiter: Gildenleiter nicht in der ESO-Database gefunden
Gildenhändler: Keinen Händler eingestellt
Gegründet am 07.07.2023
0 Charaktere
Auf dieser Seite siehst du die Rekrutierungs-Informationen der Gilde. Diese Stammen direkt aus dem Spiel.

Rekrutierungsinformationen Rekrutierungsinformationen

  • Primärfokus: Geselligkeit
  • Spielstil: Locker
  • Sekundärfokus: Gruppen-PvE
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Min. Championpunkte: 0
  • Hauptspielzeit: Keine Angabe
  • Rollen: DDHeilerTank

Introverts and ambiverts rejoice! You've found your home. Mostly stocked Guild HQ, no pressure, no reqs, blank apps ok, all players welcome.
The only rule is to be excellent to each other.

|t::esoui\art\mappins\|tBANK POLICY
Take whatever you want from the bank's inventory. First come, first serve. Everything's fair game and all members can withdraw and deposit items. Wanna rob the bank? Go for it. Wanna be nice and leave some for others? That's sweet of you, but not necessary. Enjoy the chaos and freebies.

|t::esoui\art\mappins\|tWEEKLY RAFFLE
All you have to do to enter the raffle is be a member of the guild. No mess, no stress. Winners of the weekly raffle get 10,000 gold and a small surprise! Raffle is drawn every monday, because everyone hates mondays. Let's insert some cheer into everyone's most hated day.